Saturday, March 14, 2009

Special announcement to make: We are going to be papa and mama soon! Hoorray!!!

Our baby princess is coming into this world on Mid July 2009. So by now, our BB is about 22 weeks old. We had recently went to do a detailed scan to check the BB health status and the gender. Thank god, she is a very healthy BB and always giving strong hard kickings to mummy. Sometime I will feel the kickings too when I placed my hand on mummy's tummy. How amazing!!!
Some photos on the ultrasound scan pictures:

BB's head from side and top view showing skull bone development:

BB's eye socket (orbits), nose and lips:

BB's both hands with digits:

BB's both feet:

BB's spine:

So excited to see BB is growing healthly and bigger everyday. Mummy is equally excited and happy to see and feel BB growing big and strong.
We are also going to find mummy a nice hosptal to deliver the BB. Went to TMC at Balestier and found that it was not too bad. Looking forward to visit Mt A hospital to check out their facilities.
Our newest shopping spree was at Taka Baby fair and we bought stuffs amounted up to 4 digits. The baby cot, stroller, breast pumps, baby accessories and clothes are some of the stuff that we got during the baby fair. It was quite a good deal as we managed to save up to about 150 bucks because of mummy's best fren's taka card. Will post the stuff that we bought soon.
Still thinking of good names to name our BB princess. Any suggestions? :)

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